Our consultants have a BAC+5 level of education, holding degrees in engineering or business studies or other university degrees. Their educational background ensures fluency in English.
Each candidate follows a minimum of 2 interviews, one to validate his/her motivation and the other to validate his/her skills. Particular attention is paid to writing and presentation skills ; and double check on their references is systematically carried out.
Nos consultants sont de niveau de formation BAC+5, titulaires de diplômes d’école d’ingénieur, de commerce ou de diplômes universitaires, et maîtrisant l’anglais.
Chaque candidat suit au moins 2 entretiens, l’un pour valider sa motivation et l’autre pour valider ses compétences ; il est porté une attention particulière aux qualités de rédaction et de présentation ; une double prise de référence est systématiquement réalisée.
At MEOTEC, we accompany and support our consultants throughout their career. We provide them with a set of tools and skills to ensure the success of their assignments and encourage their development within the firm.
Notre modèle se base sur le dépassement de soi, l’esprit d’équipe, l’implication, l’honnêteté et la transparence.
Il est important pour nous de valoriser et promouvoir ces qualités humaines qui permettent de garantir l’excellence, de favoriser la collaboration dans une attitude respectueuse de l’autre et de garantir une ambiance de travail saine et motivante.
Dès leur arrivée, nos collaborateurs s’inscrivent dans un chemin de carrière qui leur permet de développer des compétences, de la polyvalence, des expertises mais aussi de prendre des responsabilités managériales et entrepreneuriales.
Les carrières du cabinet sont centrées sur 3 facteurs clés que sont le mérite, le talent et l’audace.
« I started at Meotec four years ago as a consultant in Supply Chain Project Management. Being of german nationality, I completed Franco-German studies in international trade. Since my first professional experience with a logistics provider in Germany, I have been passionate about the Supply Chain.
Driven by the desire to create a Community of business experts, a place of exchange, my role as Head of the Supply Chain Community is to align the community’s objectives with the firm’s overall strategy and to meet the needs of Consultants, Business Managers and Clients.»
Jui – Supply Chain Community Manager
« Graduated from the ENSTA ParisTech school of engineering, I joined Meotec when I left school in 2014. I wanted to develop my industrial knowledge and explore several business sectors. I took responsibility for various assignments, which allowed me to quickly gain skills, especially in the management of complex performance improvement projects.
Since 2017, I have been able to progress to a position of Team Manager. Responsible for the proper distribution of know-how and the quality of interventions among our clients, I put my expertise and experience at the service of consultants. I also support young consultants on their career path. The proximity of Team Managers, both with consultants, Business Managers and clients, is a fundamental asset for developing the activity and capitalizing on the expertise of the firm. »
Houssem – Team Manager
« I joined the company in May 2016 as a Purchasing consultant after two years of studying Masters from a Business School in Bordeaux.
In the last four years, I have had the opportunity to work in different environments from Purchasing to Project Management, each one enriching. I have worked as a Team Manager and also as a Business Manager. Being able to be a part of the development of consultants, taking up the daily challenges of helping them grow and finding them the missions that will advance them in their careers, gives my work a whole new meaning. »
Alice – Business Manager
« Graduated from AgroParisTech, I joined the company in 2018 as a project management consultant. Since my arrival at Meotec, my ambitions have been multiple: I wish to develop my technical expertise in project management while fully integrating myself into the life of the firm, by passing on the skills that I have been able to acquire during my professional career.
These ambitions, in addition to an environment conducive to personal and professional development offered by Meotec, prompted me to take responsibility for the PowerBI division and its implementation (Offer – Je n’ai pas compris l’utilisation du terme « Offre » dans ce contexte?). My role is to create and structure a training offer for the company’s clientele and to help carry out trainings related to this powerful data-analysis tool (for our clients as well as internally). This activity aims to develop the sharing of Meotec know-how by involving Consultants, Managers and Support functions and at the same time participates in the development of the firm’s activity. »
Antoine – Responsible for Power BI Offer
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